PARIS, FRANCE (January 16, 2015) – Agate RPG, creators of the popular medieval horror roleplaying game Shadows of Esteren, announces today two new Stretch Goals for their current Kickstarter campaign. In addition, it was announced this week the game has been honored with an unprecedented third award for Best Art by DieHard Game Fan, an award the Shadows of Esteren team humbly dedicates to their fellow countrymen, the slain journalists of Charlie Hedbo.
The current Shadows of Esteren Kickstarter, for the game supplement book Occultism, and third music album, Rise, has reached its fundraising goal of $20,000, and has currently raised just over $99,000, with several more days to go (ending on January 20, 2015). The team is thrilled to announce today the following Stretch Goals:
When the $130,000 fundraising goal is met, it will unlock an artful blank book, for holding game notes and stories about player characters.
When the $160,000 fundraising goal is met, backers will receive a hardcover, embossed Prayer Book, based on “The Temple”, a main faction in the game. The Prayer Book is a highly anticipated, unreached Stretch Goal from a previous Kickstarter campaign.
Spanning 120-pages, Shadows of Esteren: Occultism is the new “thema” from the Shadows of Esteren series. Where the previous book, The Monastery of Tuath, centered on the order of the monks of the Temple, Occultism details professions related to esotericism and mysticism. It includes many game aids and additional rules, as well as a long scenario, “A Tidy Room”.
Shadows of Esteren: Occultism also comes with a 15-song music album, Rise, the third album in the universe of Shadows, following Of Men and Obscurities and Dearg. The two composers of Rise have accomplished a hybrid work of art, sometimes reminiscent of Ennio Morricone, but flirting with darker, more electric tones similar to Radiohead.
Shadows of Esteren is a medieval role-playing game, with a horrific and gothic influence. Drawing inspiration from Celtic myths, this universe has a discreetly fantastic side hidden under a bleak, realistic surface. This world is populated with humans who have to cope with tough daily lives, and face a supernatural threat lurking in the dark. With the focus of its adventures being investigation and survival, Shadows of Esteren favors an immersive mood, and interactions among the Players. This is the fifth Kickstarter campaign for Shadows of Esteren, each more successful than the last, with the growing legion of fans devoted to the game.
Shadows of Esteren is a truly unique success story, which can be read about in the blog. The game has won three ENnies (Best Art (Gold), Best Production Value (Gold), and Product of the Year (Silver), as well as Best Art from Diehard Gamefan for the third year.
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The current Shadows of Esteren Kickstarter, for the game supplement book Occultism, and third music album, Rise, has reached its fundraising goal of $20,000, and has currently raised just over $99,000, with several more days to go (ending on January 20, 2015). The team is thrilled to announce today the following Stretch Goals:
When the $130,000 fundraising goal is met, it will unlock an artful blank book, for holding game notes and stories about player characters.
When the $160,000 fundraising goal is met, backers will receive a hardcover, embossed Prayer Book, based on “The Temple”, a main faction in the game. The Prayer Book is a highly anticipated, unreached Stretch Goal from a previous Kickstarter campaign.
Spanning 120-pages, Shadows of Esteren: Occultism is the new “thema” from the Shadows of Esteren series. Where the previous book, The Monastery of Tuath, centered on the order of the monks of the Temple, Occultism details professions related to esotericism and mysticism. It includes many game aids and additional rules, as well as a long scenario, “A Tidy Room”.
Shadows of Esteren: Occultism also comes with a 15-song music album, Rise, the third album in the universe of Shadows, following Of Men and Obscurities and Dearg. The two composers of Rise have accomplished a hybrid work of art, sometimes reminiscent of Ennio Morricone, but flirting with darker, more electric tones similar to Radiohead.
Shadows of Esteren is a medieval role-playing game, with a horrific and gothic influence. Drawing inspiration from Celtic myths, this universe has a discreetly fantastic side hidden under a bleak, realistic surface. This world is populated with humans who have to cope with tough daily lives, and face a supernatural threat lurking in the dark. With the focus of its adventures being investigation and survival, Shadows of Esteren favors an immersive mood, and interactions among the Players. This is the fifth Kickstarter campaign for Shadows of Esteren, each more successful than the last, with the growing legion of fans devoted to the game.
Shadows of Esteren is a truly unique success story, which can be read about in the blog. The game has won three ENnies (Best Art (Gold), Best Production Value (Gold), and Product of the Year (Silver), as well as Best Art from Diehard Gamefan for the third year.
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Preview page from the forthcoming Prayer Book, art by Gawain.