Professor in Peril in Cthulhu: The Great Old One, Part Two of Warpo's Retro Commercial Series9/9/2015
CHICAGO, IL (September 9, 2015): Warpo, creators of the Legends of Cthulhu action figures, today release part two of three of Cthulhu: The Great Old One, their retro commercial series for the forthcoming 12” Cthulhu figure.
The Forces of Darkness and a Righteous Rebellion Collide in New Six-Month Adventure Campaign for the Award-Winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Kicking-Off Today with In Hell’s Bright Shadow
With a Quarter of a Million Votes Cast, the Search for the Next Top Game Designer is Narrowed Today from Hundreds to Just 32 Syrinscape Launches In Hell's Bright Shadow for the New Pathfinder Adventure Path, Hell's Rebels8/26/2015
Just in Time for the Kick-Off of the New Pathfinder RPG Adventure, Syrinscape Delivers an Accompanying SoundPack to Bring the Forces of Darkness and an Underground Rebellion to Life
Producer and Creative Director to Offer Playable Preview of Highly Anticipated Apple iOS Version and Google Play Version of Award-Winning Card Game
Round One of Paizo's Annual RPG Superstar Game Designer Contest Now Open for Public Voting8/19/2015
Chaldea: War Room, First Episode of New Web Series By Peter Adkison, Now Available Free Online8/19/2015
Thousands of Pathfinder Players, High Sales, and Paizo’s Largest Exhibit Hall Booth to Date Made Gen Con 2015 One of the Best for the Hobby Game Publisher FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
SYRINSCAPE CALLS ON GEN CON ATTENDEES TO BRING THE NOISE FOR MASSIVE MONSTER RAID AND DRAGON ATTACK, AND AN EPIC INTERACTIVE LIVE RPG ADVENTURE Fans Will Help Create Official Gen Con SoundSet, and Determine the Fate of the Players in an All-Star Live Pathfinder RPG Experience CHICAGO, IL (July 27, 2015): In celebration of this week’s Cthulhu All-Stars Summit event set to take place at Gen Con Indy on Saturday at Noon, Warpo launches their blog today with an exclusive feature written by Cthulhu expert Sandy Petersen, and a giveaway of the coveted Legends of Cthulhu Signature Series retro action figures.
July 2017